Central Otago REAP

Central Otago REAP is committed to Te Tiriti o Waitangi in how we approach our work. 

We are committed to improving the lives of New Zealanders, Tangata Whenua (Māori) and Tangata Tiriti (everyone else).

We take a rights-based approach to connect people with learning opportunities to realise their goals, reach their potential, grow, and particpate positively in society.

We are a Ministry of Education (Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga) and Tertiary Education Commission (Te Amorangi Mātauranga Matua) funded organisation, who also secures additional support through contracts and grants to facilitate educational opportunities that aim to empower and enrich the lives of the people in Central Otago.

Operating across the full spectrum of our community, Central Otago REAP supports tamariki (children), rangatahi (youth), and pakeke (adults) in their lifelong learning journeys. As a not-for-profit organisation, we are dedicated to meeting the diverse educational needs of our region through strong partnerships and performance outcomes guided by the MOE and TEC.

Our kaupapa embraces lifelong learning as a taonga (treasure), offering a diverse range of resources and opportunities for both formal and informal education. Central Otago REAP is here to support whānau, hapori (communities), and individuals to grow, connect, and thrive.

Since 1979, Central Otago REAP has worked across all ages and stages of life. From early childhood to primary and secondary schools, and into adult education, we partner with individuals, whānau, and groups to meet the unique needs of our rural communities.

We are proud to be one of 13 REAPs across Aotearoa. For more information, visit: REAP Aotearoa.

Our Vision

Central Otago is a community where everyone knows learning makes the difference.
Ko te hāpori o Uruuruwhenua, mā te ako ai, oranga kē.

Our Mission

To facilitate and provide educational opportunities for personal and community growth through life-long and life-wide learning.

Ka whakahaere ake a Hauhake Uruuruwhenua i ngā āheinga hei whakatipu, hei whakawhānui i te ako ki te hunga me te hāpori mō ake tonu

Our priorities are

  • Building community connectedness and cohesion
  • Strengthening capable and knowledgeable communities
  • Protecting and enhancing community wellbeing
  • Continuing to strengthen Central Otago REAP as an organisation

Our Values
  • People Focused – Ko te Manaakitangata:  
  • Empowerment – Ko te Whakamana:  
  • Connecting – Ko te Hononga:  
  • Integrity – Ko te Whakapono:  
  • Flexibility – Ko te Ngāwari:  
  • Quality – Ko te Papai:  

Our People

The staff at REAP Central Otago are committed and passionate about supporting learners to make change through education. You are never too young or old to learn.

The Manager of REAP Central Otago is Kellie Weatherston.  Like the majority of staff, her background is teaching, coming into REAP from being the Manager at Kōpūwai Early Childhood Centre and a member of the Central Otago REAP Board for two years. 

Our Board is made up of a group of passionate members of the Central Otago Community.

The Values of REAP Central Otago are pivotal to the way we work.

Kellie Weatherston
Manager Central Otago REAP

Our Mahi

REAP Central Otago provides a diverse and extensive educational resource to our communities, implementing a life-long learning approach.  The overall purpose of REAP Central Otago is to provide educational support and assistance across all sectors including early childhood, primary, secondary and adult education.

REAP Central Otago is a community-based, flexible resource providing formal and non-formal learning opportunities.

Some examples of activities and programmes run through REAP Central Otago include:

Ko te hāpori Uruuruwhenua - Our Waiata

Karanga mai Haehaeata 

Karanga mai Kōpūwai     . 

Ki.. Uru..uru..whenua e  

Rere atu Mata au  

Rere atu Manuherekia  

Ki...... Kamoanahaehae e  

Ko te hāpori o Uru..uru..whenua  

Mā te ako ai, Oranga kē  

Mā te ako ai, Oranga kē  

Ko te hāpori o Uru..uru..whenua 

Below is a explanation of the sentiments contained in the kupu (words) of our waiata.

A call to Haehaeata (Leaning Rock)

A Call to Kōpūwai (Obelisk)

Here in Central Otago

The waters of the Clutha flow

The waters of the Manuherekia flow

and meet at the junction Kamoanahaehae (where the two rivers meet )

Central Otago is the takiwā (region) where everyone knows that learning makes the difference.

Our Funders

REAP Central Otago is an Incorporated Society with charitable status. Our charities number is CC21878. An annual financial and statement of service performance audit is carried out by agents of the Auditor General. As a financial member of REAP Central Otago you will be entitled to vote at our Annual General Meeting and be eligible for election to our Governance Board.  To become a financial member please contact us.

REAP Central Otago is primarily funded by:

  • Ministry of Education
  • Tertiary Education Commission
  • Oranga Tamariki Ministry for Children

However to run the variety of programmes we do and to extend many of these throughout our area, further funds are sought from a range of philanthropic Trusts and other agencies. Without their support REAP Central Otago would not be able to make the difference in so many learners lives. We would like to acknowledge the support of:

  • Central Lakes Trust
  • Central Otago District Council
  • Department of Internal Affairs
  • Ministry for the Environment
  • Otago Community Trust
  • Pub Charities
  • Rotary International
Learner Information and NZQA Self Review

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